Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Muppet porn!

I recently found out that there is a Muppet Channel on youtube. I'm not sure what I think about this, the Muppets making fun of the Internet. It's not that the videos aren't funny; a lot of them are. It's just that, my memories of the Muppets were stored in a place in my mind that didn't ever have to deal with the Internet. And now it does.
In order of increasing horror:
Lady Gaga's great.
That's actually kind of funny.
That's really not.

I couldn't find a bigger version f this one.
If you can't tell, Kermit has a boner, and he's eating frog
eggs (presumably his) and saying "Mmmmm, recursion."
"I can just taste it."

Finally, we have:
When I uploaded this picture I noticed the file name was 
"misspiggy-clean" dot whatever. That's the most misleading
file name I've seen in some time. 
All these other photos I could imagine
being for laughs. I am almost certain this one is not.

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