Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sex toy roundup!

I know I haven't posted anything in a bit. When I've talked to my parents twice since the time I've posted anything, I know it's gone on too long. I'm cooking something up, I promise. Meanwhile, here are some strange sex toys I've some across.

Have you ever seen a sex toy what you couldn't quite figure out how you were supposed to use it? Here. Figure this out:

I'm not going to tell you yet; you'll have to scroll down.

It's called the "Woody cock ring" & you can buy it here, where there is an excellent illustrative picture of how you are to apply this toy to your penis:

Now, here's the thing, I see how it goes around the cock, alright, and I do understand how to use a cock, but I still don't really have much of a clue how you're supposed to use the Woody cock ring (bad name, right?).

In the less confusing category:

It's called the "Bible Thumper". It's sold by a company that makes Jesus-shaped dildos 'n' such (doing God's work). Here's how it works: There's a hole in the bottom of it

and you stick one of these things (which vibrate)

, called a "bullet", into that hole and then you, I don't know, rub it on your junk or some junk. Same company also makes this delightful lingam called the "shiva". Similar hole in the bottom, same concept. Potentially not entirely sacrilegious, which is disappointing.

Now look at this one:

It's called "Stumpy". It is an amputated leg with a penis attached, but I somehow think that penis doesn't always see as much action as the stump. It's made by a lovely company, from whom we'll be hearing much more in future months.

Finally, in the abject horror category:

Yuck. I don't know what it's called and I don't care.
Well, I'm going to bed.

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