Friday, December 2, 2011

Occupied porn!

Here's a thing. "Occupy my Throat" is a gay porn shot in a tent at Occupy Oakland. Great. Just what the world needs. You know what else the world needs? Another blog post making fun of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
I love the girl on the right edge of this picture. Look at her reaction! I can't decide if she's like "Gross! Nasty gross ginger hippy! Oh, gross!" (That's what I'm like.) or if she and her boyfriend were looking for a Tea Party rally, saw a group of idiots milling about and wandered into the wrong protest and she's like "Gross! Nasty gross homosexials!" Her boyfriend's so upset his face blurred!
We can learn a lot about the Occupy Movement from this porn. First off, you have to pay to actually see it! So much for a free, open culture jackasses.

What we've learned: Capitalism sure is fun when you're the one charging but if someone else makes a profit, that's bad.
Here is a picture of one of our stars with a sign. If you're going to do something illegal, it's usually best not to brag about it.

What we've learned: Occupiers love signs, have nothing but disdain for good typography, and have perhaps a less than total understanding of the purpose of the 5th amendment.
Hm... I'm sorry but I really find this redheaded guy super unattractive.
Yeah... gross.

What we've learned: Occupiers like neckbeards and scrawny dudes.

Alas, I do not. I think the Occupy Whatever Movement is really stupid, to be honest. But I don't want anyone to get the impression that I think the Tea Party is any less dumb. (Because we all know, in America, there are exactly two opinions you can have, and if you're not a Democrat/Occupier/Liberal you must but a Republican/Tea Partier/Neocon.)* I tried to find some Tea Party porn, but all I could really find was Sarah Palin lookalikes, and as boorish as this post has been, I simply could not bring myself to care enough to make fun of Sarah Palin any more than she already has been. I may go for low-hanging fruit on this blog pretty often but I do try to at least stick to tree fruits.
Occupiers are stupid and Teabaggers are stupid in similar, but roughly complementary, ways. At least they both like to have gay sex. (Take that Marcus Bachmann. Ba-zing!)

*I'm an Anarcho-Monarchist.

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