Saturday, November 6, 2010

Group Sex! Group Sex! Group Sex ! Group Sex!

I'm not really sure what to do with this. These are videos of some 500 couples going at it on a warehouse floor some in Japan, presumably.
Is this some kind of Moonie thing? I'm seeing a lot of white; is the Pana-Wave Laborotory throwing a tin-foil-lined orgy?

The shit, Japan! What is this?
You ever seen the way Asian people line up in rows in public parks, all over the place, and they all do synchronized exercises? Is it that kind of thing? Are people in Japan so uptight and busy that they can only have sex square-dancing style at a pre-scheduled time? That's fucked up!

Imagine what that room smells like. Imagine what it's like to be one of the cameramen. It's not often on a job you have to watch your step do carefully to avoid trodding on people having sex. Or maybe this is a run-of-the-mill thing with these guys. Maybe it's like Disneyland where a camera takes a picture of you on the roller coaster.

Maybe this makes perfect sense to a Japanese person. Maybe this is an ordinary thing that ordinary people do. It all raises entirely too many questions to be comfortable.

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