Friday, August 27, 2010

Turtle power!

Remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? How the fuck did anyone ever come up with that idea? I mean, pretend you'd never heard of the show and really think about. What a weird concept, right?
Well, what might for you and I evoke nostalgia for others evokes a raging boner. Here is some porn:

Of course, all the turtles wanted to fuck April. This is probably the most accurate portrayal of human-turtle relations. --> Compare.

Or pee on her, I guess.
Or, ah.... hm. Moving on.

Were there girl turtles? I don't remember any. Maybe they added them later, once some one realized the bestiality angle? 

 Awful lot of this kind of thing out there.
 Teenage Mutant Ninja Dicks, I guess?
 That's Leonardo jacking off on to Michelangelo's stuff, for those keeping score.
 Is this some kind of joke about infinite regress?
It occurs to me, suddenly, that these are teenage mutant ninja turtles. Man, are we looking at a bunch of jailbait here? Does this count as statutory something-or-other?
There's the four of them going at Splinter, the sensei. I think. Hard to tell. I like how this artist gave the picture a sort of patina, let's call it, to make it look old-timey or fancy or some such. My point is that "HERMIT" is proud of this.

By the way, there is a disproportionate amount of porn devoted to Splinter. I find this odd, for some reason.
To think I could've gone my whole life without seeing this. But I do it for you. 

Well, that's about all I can take. Happy Friday.

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